- introduction
- How to install PHP Step By step
- How to Print hello world and Simple programs
- PHP with HTML
- PHP Data types and Its used
- PHP Pass Data Between One Page to Another
- For Loop in PHP
- Simple For Loop Example in PHP
- ForLoop with ODD and Even Numbers in PHP
- Forloop with all Pyramids in PHP Step by Step
- How Work While Loop in PHP
- Do While Loop Example
- ODD Even Number program using if else in PHP
- Simple Calculator addition multiplication division using php
- Simple Switch Case Example in PHP
- PHP VAlidations
- Only Character Enter, Password Match and so on
- PHP Email Validation Example
- check box through Terms and Condition Validation
- File Required Validaton in PHP
- How to Create ZIP Folder Files Using PHP
- Write a program to get the 10 values for user & calculate sum and average using php
- Write a program to get 10 number from user & find and min number and max Number
- Write a program to get 10 student mark from user and sort it in ascending order using php.com/2021/03/write-program-to-get-10-student-mark.html
- Write a program to sort array of elements using bubble sort Using PHP
- Write a program that reads 10 element and print all odd values from them using php
- Write a program that reads 10 element and print all even values form them Using PHP
- Write a program that reads 10 element in array count how many zero how many positive and how many negative values
- Write a program that reads 10 element in array enter a number and find how many times the number is repeated in the list In PHP
- Write a program to accept any number and check wether it is divisible by 9 ot not
- Write a program to accept any year four digits and check whether it is leap year or not
- Write a program to Find Vowel or Not Vowel in PHP
- check enter value if character or digit or Special Symbol using php
- 1,4,9,16,25,36 series using php with For Loop
- Print square and also print sum of the number in PHP
- Fibonacci series in php || 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21....n
- 1,2,4,7,11,16...n in php
- 2 4 8 32 256 series in php
- 0001 0010 0100 1000 Pyramid Using PHP
- Simple For Loop Example in PHP
- ForLoop with ODD and Even Numbers in PHP
- Forloop with all Pyramids in PHP Step by Step
- Only Character Enter, Password Match and so on
- PHP Email Validation Example
- check box through Terms and Condition Validation
- File Required Validaton in PHP