PHP For Beginners

  1. introduction
  2. How to install PHP Step By step
  3. How to Print hello world and Simple programs
  4. PHP with HTML
  5. PHP Data types and Its used
  8. PHP Pass Data Between One Page to Another
  9. For Loop in PHP
    1. Simple For Loop Example in PHP
    2. ForLoop with ODD and Even Numbers in PHP
    3. Forloop with all Pyramids in PHP Step by Step
  10. How Work While Loop in PHP
  11. Do While Loop Example
  12. ODD Even Number program using if else in PHP
  13. Simple Calculator addition multiplication division using php
  14. Simple Switch Case Example in PHP
  15. PHP VAlidations
    1. Only Character Enter, Password Match and so on
    2. PHP Email Validation Example
    3. check box through Terms and Condition Validation
    4. File Required Validaton in PHP
  16. How to Create ZIP Folder Files Using PHP
  17. Write a program to get the 10 values for user & calculate sum and average using php
  18. Write a program to get 10 number from user & find and min number and max Number
  19. Write a program to get 10 student mark from user and sort it in ascending order using
  20. Write a program to sort array of elements using bubble sort Using PHP
  21. Write a program that reads 10 element and print all odd values from them using php
  22. Write a program that reads 10 element and print all even values form them Using PHP
  23. Write a program that reads 10 element in array count how many zero how many positive and how many negative values
  24. Write a program that reads 10 element in array enter a number and find how many times the number is repeated in the list In PHP
  25. Write a program to accept any number and check wether it is divisible by 9 ot not
  26. Write a program to accept any year four digits and check whether it is leap year or not
  27. Write a program to Find Vowel or Not Vowel in PHP
  28. check enter value if character or digit or Special Symbol using php
  29. 1,4,9,16,25,36 series using  php with For Loop
  30. Print square and also print sum of the number in PHP
  31. Fibonacci series in php || 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21....n
  32. 1,2,4,7,11,16...n in php
  33. 2 4 8 32 256 series in php
  34. 0001 0010 0100 1000 Pyramid Using PHP