Monday 7 December 2020

Simple Difference Between HTML vs CSS Program

 HTML V/s CSS Simple Program

Save this file as a 1.html


<!-- HTML -->

<p bgcolor=red> welcome 123</p> <!-- Not Supported By HTML -->

<!-- CSS -->

<p style="background-color:red; ">welcome</p> <!-- Using CSS Background Attribute -->


<marquee bgcolor=red>welcome</marquee>


<!-- CSS -->

<a href="" style="text-decoration:none;">Home</a> <!-- remove Underline from link -->


<!-- HTML -->

<a href=""><font color=orange><b>Contact Us</b></font></a> 


<!-- CSS -->

<a href="" style="color:orange; text-decoration:none; ">Contact Us</font>

Copy and Past This Code inside a 1.html file and run it to your browser

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