Sunday 10 January 2021

JavaScript Dialog Boxes


There are three types of Dialog Boxes are available in java Script

- Alert()

- Confirm()

- Prompt()


alert() : An alert box is used if you want to sure information comes through to the user.

Example 1:


document.write("Dialog Boxes");

alert("Welcome to My BOX");


Example 2: Addition


a = 10;

b= 20;

c = a+b;


alert("Addition is : "+c);


Example 3: alert with Button

<input type=button value="Click Me" onclick="alert(' Welcome to JavaScript')"> 


<input type=button value="Register" onclick="alert(' Welcome to MY Alert BOX')"> 


<input type=button value="HI Friends" onclick="alert(' This is Scripting Language')"> 



Confirm(): A confirm box is often used if you want the user to verify or accept something. confirm box provide two buttons OK and Cancel



alert("Thanks for Visit My WebSite");

confirm("Are Your Sure to Delete ....");



Prompt(): A prompt box is often used if you want the user to input a value before entering a page. prompt box provide input box with OK and cancel button when click on OK then return return if you click on cancel button then return false

Example 1: 


//getiing a values from the user using Prompt Box

prompt("Enter NO");


Example 2: 


i = prompt("Enter Your Name");

document.write("Your Name is :"+i);


Example 3:


//prompt getting a by default values are string

//Converting a String to Integer using parseInt() 

a= parseInt(prompt("Enter No")); 

b = parseInt(prompt("Enter No2")); 

c = a+b; 

document.write("Addition is : "+c);


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